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     Kaya, learning to drive a House Boat !





Families from all over the world are guests on our small boat cruise, their children were captivated by this unusual out of doors adventure.

Children have a fertile imagination, with minds like a sponge, when it comes to taking in new and exciting experiences. A small boat cruise on a desert lake gives them the opportunity to learn more about the natural world and have a lot of fun at the same time. The atmosphere on a small boat cruise is completely different to what most children have ever experienced; especially those who are used to life in a big city.

A more worthwhile adventure than a sun, sea & sand holiday in a plush hotel.

Having your own house boat means you can unwind and let your family settle into their own environment.

Our programs have generous discounts for children who are 18 years old or younger.


Each day will offer a different experience as your family explores a desert lake on their way to visit the world famous temples at Abu Simbel.

Your kids learn about the Sahara Desert and what it looks like and are likely to meet a family of nomads tending their herds of camels and sheep along the shore of the lake or friendly fishermen to find out what they have caught.

It is worth while taking a short walk along the shoreline. In some places, water has washed away the top soil, cleaning the sandstone to reveal plant and animal fossils of bygone eras. Also, Stone Age drawings and hieroglyphics, carved by ancient Egyptians during their trading or mineral seeking expeditions.


Our cruise staff and guides are Nubians who have a strong affinity for children and a sense responsibility for supporting family’s which is a focal point of their culture. They do not have the support of social services like us westerners this means they must rely on each other for when help is needed.  

You will all be well looked after, especially the kids, Mum can relax knowing her family is safe and being well taken care of while enjoying amazing new experiences.




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Our style of holiday is for the individual not mass tourism. Take a break from the tourist 'hot spots' and let us introduce you to a more intimate and traditional side of Egypt.

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We look forward to the possibility of welcoming you to Lake Nasser